
Friday, 14 June 2013


Whenever I switch on the television, it's like I'm ambushed by a bunch of expectations just waiting to guilt me into oblivion. They expect me to be stick thin, have a skin tone that would put a white crayon to shame and have hair that even Rapunzel would resent. 

I still brush off the figure and the skin... But its the hair that annoys me. Yes, the hair in those shampoo/conditioner/oil/serum advertisements. Sleek, shiny, straight, black hair. And as if you already weren't conscious of your not-so-perfect, not-so-sleek, not-so-shiny hair, if yours happen to be a mop of curls like mine, you should not even exist. 

I have these poker straight hair staring at me, everywhere I look. The ones who don't have them, get them done. And don't get me wrong - I'm absolutely not being bitter here; but they look exceptionally repulsive to me. If you have naturally straight hair, well, good for you. If you don't, well, good for you too unless you decide to burn/chemically exterminate them into a dry dead broomstick.

Why are people so obsessed with straight hair? Whatever happened to that rustic charm of curls?

I mean, I love them. How can you not? Look at Nick Jonas and you'd know what I'm talking about. Or Taylor Swift

How about Carrie Bradshaw?

Don't you just love her hair? Don't you just love how she 'Carrie's them off so pompously?

Yet, when I see around, people I know with beautiful curls are having them straightened. It pains me to see that.

Is it weird that I find nothing wrong with curly hair? Is something wrong with me? Am I wired differently? Is it because I have curly hair? Am I either supposed to straighten them or just cease to exist?

Yes, my comb doesn't automatically slither down my hair like it's been coated with petroleum jelly (which it probably might be in the advertisements since I personally don't think even people with straight hair have the privilege of witnessing a phenomenon of such bizarre proportion)

Yes, on windy days (and maybe other days too) I look like Einstein with a bad hair day.

Yes, sometimes my hair tends to have a mind of its own and is responsible for many a combs with missing teeth.

But all said and done, I love them and wouldn't have them any other way.

Yes, they are stubborn. They are unruly. But I'd never want to 'straighten them out' for anything.

Don't you just love the way Carrie looks at Mr. Big and says, "Your girl is lovely, Hubbell."

"I don't get it." He says, confused.

"And you never did." She smiles. 

You can't blame Big for that though. None of them do.

Except those very few of us. The ones who feel inspired enough to write a post like this as they watch Carrie walk off, proudly bouncing her hair. 

 The wild and untamed. The outcast curly hair.


  1. Ohh that moment was a nice one.. You should never meet that man again after saying that line.. :P

    I love my straight hair though... :)
