
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Technology... Gave me a Voice.

So, my blog turns a month old today, and it couldn't have been a more perfect occasion for one of my write-ups to get published. The whole thing being special since this particular article is about everything that this blog personifies: the courage to assert an opinion, an idea. 

I wrote this article for a friend's internship, and it surprisingly turned out a lot better than I expected. 

Thank you Devlina for giving me something to write.

Technology... Gave me a Voice.

“Heema, could you be a little louder,” my friend said, embarrassed, cutting my speech midway. “I’m so sorry, but your voice is just so soft… I can’t hear you!” she said apologetically.

This friend in question was sitting a few centimetres away from me.

I’ll be a lawyer in a few years, I thought. With a voice like that, how am I supposed to scream “I object!”?

Would the opposition hear me? Would the judge hear me?

There are SO MANY things I object to, in life. I object to women being treated like a commodity who belong to some male or the other throughout their life. I object to the fact that they are blamed for every big and little act of violence and injustice done to them. The list goes on.

In our real, non-virtual lives, women may not have a voice. Their views and opinions are suppressed by the gag of patriarchy. But it’s different on the internet. In real life, our voice may or may not be heard; but on the internet, there’s a hope, that someone, somewhere, will.

I like the fact that technology makes me heard. That I don’t have to modulate my voice here and it’d reach my voice across countries, across barriers. Whether it’s when I see my blog receive hits from people across the globe, or when people ‘like’ my views on social networking sites, (the same views which I’d have kept to myself from the fear that they won’t be heard) it instils in me the confidence that it doesn’t matter here whether I’m soft or loud. What matters is that I have an opinion.

Someday, I’ll have the strength, the courage and the confidence to raise my voice. In real. And say that I object, loud enough for the opposition to hear.

Till then, I have the internet.


  1. facing reality is a truth of life
    you hv to b loyal towrds u one or the othr day thn y nt today

    liked ur post
